About the Book
Zoo animal production management is Unit 4 of Livestock Production Management course under VCI syllabus for the B.V.Sc., & AH program in India. The book is to give an idea on how wild animals can be managed and multiplied in captive facility in conditions similar to or better than that were or would be available in their natural habitat. The entire syllabus was divided into eight chapters.
Chapter one is about the “Status and conservation practices of wild life in India” which gave an overall idea of the population, different habitat and various conservative initiatives in India.
Chapter two on “Taxonomy of important wild zoo animals” gave the classification of lifeforms as described in various literature on the subject. The taxonomy in this book mainly focus on Kingdom Animalia.
Chapter three is to give information on “Basic principles of habitat and housing of various classes of wild zoo animals”. Size and space requirement (dimension) of cubicles, enclosures of important wild zoo animals are given.
Chapter four dealt with the “Management of sanctuaries, national parks, fringe areas of wild habitat and the livestock in it”. Information on the protected areas like biosphere reserve, elephant reserves, community reserves, wetlands and their scientific management and the Management Effectiveness Evaluation (MEE) were described in the chapter.
Chapter five discussed about “Feeding habits, feeds and feeding schedules of captive animals”. In the chapter an attempt has been made to describe how feeds and feeding schedule are determined for zoo animals and birds in accordance with their natural feeding habits.
Chapter six on “Restraining, capture, handling, physical examination of captive animals” has detailed, the need of restraining and capture, scientific principles of capture and various methods including chemical capture.
Chapter seven listed out “Acts and Rules related to captive animals”in India.
Chapter eight dealt with the “National and international organizations and institutions interlinked to captive animals and their role and functioning”.Attempt has been made to give an exhaustive information on the subject.
Status and Conservation Practices of Wild life in India
Taxonomy of Important Wild Zoo Animals
Basic Principles of Habitat and Housing Wild Zoo Animals and Classication of Zoos
Management of Sanctuaries, National Parks and Livestock in Fringe Areas
Feeding Habits, Feeds and Feeding Schedules of Captive Animals
Restraining, Capture, Handling, Physical Examination of Captive Animals
Acts and Rules Related to Captive Wild Animals
National and International Organizations and Institutions Interlinked to Captive Animals: Role and Functioning