Greenhouse cultivation becomes more critical due to increased yields in restricted areas and the production of high-quality products for improved climate resilience. Greenhouse cultivation permit the production of fruits, vegetables, and flowers throughout the year and during off seasons fetching premium prices in the market withstanding the variable climate. A viable crop production method in horticulture for commercial viability might include intensive cultivation with effective water management.
A thorough grasp of technology is required in India because of the complicated soil and climatic conditions, design, and construction of protected structures. The use of various cladding materials and structures
necessitates sound technological advancements. There is a lack of scientific information for beginners and the need for instant information in greenhouse cultivation of various horticultural crops.
This book consists of seventeen chapters ranging from basics of construction, environment controlling structural devices, sensors, growing media, integrated nutrient management, fertigation and improved varieties with drip automation. Advanced cultivation of horticultural crops with good agricultural practices in rose, capsicum, carnation, gerbera, cucumber and high-value fruit crops are covered.
Integrated pest, disease and nematode management of horticultural crops are explained elaborately. This content provides first-hand information and it is the most useful book to the farmers, students, entrepreneurs and research scientists to take up the greenhouse cultivation of various highvalue horticultural crops with advanced technology.
Greenhouse Planning, Design and Construction
Environmental Control Devices in Protected Cultivation
Sensors and Equipments for Greenhouse Environment
Growing Media
Integrated Nutrient Management
Microbial Inoculants in Protected Cultivation
Micro Irrigation and Fertigation
Physiology of Protected Crops under Greenhouse
Soilless Cultivation in Greenhouse
Greenhouse Cultivation of Capsicum
Greenhouse Cultivation of Rose
Greenhouse Cultivation of Carnation
Greenhouse Cultivation of Gerbera
Greenhouse Cultivation of European Cucumber
Cultivation of Fruit Crops
Nematode Management under Greenhouse Cultivation