Management of Problematic Soils and Water

A.S. Mailappa


The soils which possess characteristics that make them uneconomical for the cultivation of crops without adopting proper reclamation measures are known as problematic soils. Problematic soils and water present a major threat to farm agricultural production, leading to adverse implications for food security, environmental health, and economic welfare. The restoration of such affected land and water will go a long way in meeting the increased global food production to feed the burgeoning world population at the current levels of per capita food supply.

This unique book on ‘Management of Problematic Soils and Water”, addresses the crucial issues of soil-constraints and quality of irrigation water and provides a comprehensive picture of the fundamental principle and practices of problematic soils, their management and reclamation methods, including the efficient utilization of poor quality water for agriculture.

This book comprises of seventeen chapters covering the various topics of problematic soils and water, as recommended by Fifth Deans’ Committee of ICAR, and written in a very cogent, concise and comprehensive manner to meet the growing needs of UG & PG students of all SAUs/agricultural colleges. It broadly covers the various aspects of soil quality and health, distribution of waste / degraded lands and problematic soils in India, acid soils, saltaffected soils, soils with physical constraints, quality of irrigation water, saline agriculture, remote sensing & GIS in diagnosis and management of problematic soils, multi-purpose tree
(MPT) species and bioremediation of problematic soils through MPTs, land capability classification and land suitability classification and problematic soils under different agroecosystems, including chapter-wise question bank and category-wise comprehensive question bank with answers. The interpretation of subject matter in each chapter of this book has been made carefully and systematically giving due emphasis on the requirements of agriculture education system.

The book would be of paramount importance for the graduate and post-graduate students and to those students appearing for various competitive examinations like JRF, SRF, ARS, NET and other competitive examinations, interview and viva-voice. It will definitely serve as a useful reference guide to the students, teachers, researchers scientists, policy makers and other interested in soil science, agronomy, crop science, environmental sciences and agriculture.

Readership : Students / Teachers / Researchers / Practitioners of Agricultural Universities /
Institutes, engaged in Teaching, Research and Extension activities related to Agriculture,
Horticulture, Forestry and other allied disciplines.

 Soil Quality and Soil Health
 Distribution of Waste / Degraded Lands and Problematic Soils in India
 Acid Soils
 Acid Sulphate Soils
 Saline Soils
 Sodic Soils / Alkali Soils
 Compacted, Crusted and
 Eroded Soils
 Flooded Soils / Water-logged Soils
 Polluted Soils
 Quality of Irrigation Water
 Saline Agriculture
 Remote Sensing & Geographical Information System (GIS) in Diagnosis and Management of Problematic Soils
 Multipurpose Tree (MPT) Species and Bioremediation through MPTs of Problematic Soils
 Land Capability Classification and Land Suitability Classification
 Problematic Soils Under Different Agro-ecosystems
 Chapter-wise Question Bank
 Category-wise Comprehensive Question Bank with Answers