About the Book
The book has been written keeping in mind the requirements of the current graduate, post graduate students, teachers and research scientists who are studying/working in the area of analytical chemistry, as well as who deals with instrumental analysis. The book is a detailed text covering, so as to provide the
reader with a rich knowledge of subject. It integrates high quality figure, tables and flow charts to improve the learning of reader.
· Useful for the students studying pharmacy (B. Pharmacy, and M. Pharmacy) and analytical chemistry (B.Sc. and M.Sc.)
· Includes basic concepts and updated information of analytical techniques
· Updates information of chromatography, electro-analytical techniques, spectroscopic techniques, hyphenated techniques, thermal analysis, and radio-immune assays.
· Focuses on all competitive examinations
Introduction to Instrumental Analysis
Introduction to Chromatography
Column Chromatography
Thin layer Chromatography
Paper Chromatography
Theory of Chromatography
High Performance Liquid Chromatography
High Performance Thin Layer Chromatography
Gas Chromatography
Ion Exchange Chromatography
Gel Chromatography
Afnity Chromatography
Introduction to Basic Concepts in Electronics
Introduction to Spectroscopic Methods
UV-Visible Spectroscopy
Nephelometry and Turbidimetry
Fluorometry and Phosphorometry
Flame Photometry
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Infrared Spectroscopy
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)
Mass Spectroscopy
Thermal Methods of Analysis
Radio Immuno Assay
Phase Solubility Analysis
Solvent Extraction
Hyphenated Techniques
Validation as per ICH Guidelines
X-Ray Diffraction Analysis