The Industrial Pharmacy-I subject is introduced in the Bachelor of Pharmacy (B. Pharm) curriculum for 5TH semester students to understand the depth of various pharmaceutical dosage forms preparation/ manufacturing and evaluation process as per the various monographs and pharmacopoeias. The preformulation consideration and factors affecting various drug product development process are also included in the syllabus as per Pharmacy Council of India recent regulations for B. Pharm syllabus. The first edition of “Textbook on Industrial Pharmacy-I (Dosage Form Design, Development, and Characterization)” is drafted based on the syllabus prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India for B. Pharm students. In this book, the course specific outcome and unit contents have been exclusively added for the readers to understand the objectives and outcomes of each unit. Each unit have covered all the sub topics with in depth justification in easy, and simple language for the readers. This book can be utilized as reference or text book for the Industrial Pharmacy-I subject where anyone can find all the sub-topics with evidential
Highlights of the Book:
Upon reading of this book, the readers can able-
To understand the importance of preformulation parameters in the dosage form development process.
To understand the in-depth knowledge of solid, liquid, and cosmetics preparation development related process and evaluations.
To acquire the knowledge of various instruments involved in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical dosage forms in the industry.
Preformulation Studies
Tablets & Liquid Orals
Parenteral Products
Cosmetics, Aerosols and Packaging Material Science