About the Book :
The book objective Plant Physiology designed for practice of competitive examinations for getting higher studies in Agriculture and Botany. It is especially for ICAR-ARS (Plant Physiology), CSIR-JRF (life science), M.Sc. and Ph.D entrance test of ICAR, IARI etc. and Civil services examination.
Features :
This book contains more than 2400 MCQ which will provide knowledge of fundamental concept, basic things as well as advanced materials to the Students, Teachers, Research scientists of Agriculture particularly Plant Physiology discipline.
The questions are analytical, comprehensive and having the very clear concept on the Physiological aspects of plant following the new syllabus.
The questions have been framed from the international standard text book, recent review articles and research papers which include improvement of physiological trait through molecular breeding program.
Introduction of Plant Physiology
Water, its Uptake and Transport in Plant
Uptake and Transport of Solutes
Mineral Nutrition in Plant
Nitrogen Assimilation and Biological Nitrogen Fixation
Photosynthetic Apparatus and their Function
Carbon Dioxide Fixation and Photorespiration
Translocation of Photosynthate
Abscisic Acid (ABA)
Salicylic Acid and Jasmonic Acid
Brassinosteroid, Polyamine and Strigolactone
Photoperiodism and Vernalization
Abiotic Stress in Plants
Crop Growth Analysis
Molecular Plant Physiology
Abscisic Acid (ABA)
Salicylic Acid and Jasmonic Acid
Brassinosteroid, Polyamine and Strigolactone
Photoperiodism and Vernalization
Abiotic Stress in Plants
Crop Growth Analysis
Molecular Plant Physiology