There are a wide variety of ways in which plant genetic resource are used in crop breeding programs. These depend upon the problems which the breeder is trying to solve, the resources at hand to solve then, the reproductive biology of the crop and the availability of appropriate genetic resource collections. The important facts is that all the breeding programmers depends on genetic resources of one or another type to make progress in improving yield, curbing diseases, enhancing pest resistance, and improving product quality of the crop or forage they are responsible for.
This book looks at the application of variety of plant breeding techniques to agricultural development. Basic aims of the plant breeding are high yield, quality and quantity development, resistance or tolerance of adaptation ability to stress factors etc. They are being utilized from the genetic variation to be able to manage all these components. The present volume addresses recent concerns about the newest and most important applications of biotechnology in plant breeding programs. The chapters have been compiled into 2 volumes, written by experts in their respective fields from different instaurations/universities. Important references to each chapters have been cited for detailed reading. The authors acknowledge the compilation of that is available in public domain in the of research papers and relevant websites.
1. Plant Breeding: A Success Story to be Continued Thanks to the Advances in Genomics
2. Domestication of Transposable Elements into MicroRNA Genes in Plants
3. Plant Cryopreservation
4. Genome Elimination: Translating Basic Research into a Future Tool for Plant Breeding
5. Principle and Application of Plant Mutagenesis in Crop Improvement: A Review
6. Nonparametric Method for Genomics-Based Prediction of Performance of Quantitative Traits Involving Epistasis in Plant Breeding
7. Key Applications of Plant Metabolic Engineering
8. Proteomics: A Biotechnology Tool for Crop Improvement
9. Application of Proteomics for Improving Crop Protection/Articial Regulation
10. Functional Genomics of Seed Dormancy in Wheat: Advances and Prospects
11. Recent Advances of Epigenetics in Crop Biotechnology
12. Identification of Candidate Genes Associated with Positive and Negative Heterosis in Rice
13. Improved Heterosis Prediction by Combining Information on DNA- and Metabolic Markers
14. Marker-assisted Backcrossing: A Useful Method for Rice Improvement
15. Small RNAs in Plants: Recent Development and Application for Crop Improvement
16. Harvesting the Promising Fruits of Genomics: Applying Genome Sequencing Technologies to Crop Breeding
17. Implementation of Two High Through-put Techniques in a Novel Application: Detecting Point Mutations in Large EMS Mutated Plant Populations
18. Green Gate – A Novel, Versatile, and Efficient Cloning System for Plant Transgenesis
19. Coping with Drought: Stress and Aaptive Responses in Potato and Perspectives for Improvement
20. Molecular Marker Assisted Gene Stacking for Biotic and Abiotic Stress Resistance Genes in an Elite Rice Cultivar
21. Development of a RAD-Seq Based DNA Polymorphism Identification Software,Agro Marker Finder, and Its Application in Rice Marker-Assisted Breeding
22. Engineering Melon Plants with Improved Fruit Shelf Life Using the TILLING Approach
23. Understanding Salinity Responses and Adopting ‘Omics-based’ Approaches to Generate Salinity Tolerant Cultivars of Rice
24. Proteomic Evaluation of Genetically Modified Crops: Current Status and Challenges
25. Genome-Wide Asociation Mapping for Yield and Other Agronomic Traits in an Elite Breeding Population of Tropical Rice (Oryza sativa)
26. Molecular Regulation and Genetic Improvement of Seed Oil Content in Brassica napus L.