ISBN: 9789387296640
e-ISBN: 9789387296657
PAGES: 421
SoftCover > Rs. 995/-
KK Mishra
Satish Chand
The Textbook of Biochemical Engineering: An Impression is designed so that its graduates are familiar with the techniques used in analyzing the problems associated with the biochemical and related industries. This book has four basic chapters to provide the basic information about the biochemical engineering and related techniques.
In chapter 1, the overview of Biochemical Engineering including biotechnology and unit operation has been discussed. Also, commercial aspects and scope of biochemical engineering are deliberated in chapter 1.
The basics of sterilization, its method, Monitoring Procedures, Nutrient Media, types, etc. are illustrated in chapter 2.
Chapter 3 is about aeration and agitation in which mass transfer path, oxygen transfer and mixing, oxygen transfer rate, volumetric mass transfer, mass transfer theory, mass transfer coefficients, bioreactor oxygen balance, stirred tank reactor, inter-phase mass transfer, rheology, and many more.
The last chapter 4 has covered the important aspect of biochemical engineering i.e. microbial growth kinetics where the basic concept of growth kinetics, type, stoichiometry, maintenance of energy, yield, factors affecting growth rate, product formation kinetics and thermodynamics of cellular growth is discussed in detail along with examples.
This book helps to graduate and undergraduate students of chemical and biochemical engineering disciplines to analyze various problems.
Chapter 1 : Overview of Bioprocess and Biochemical Engineering
Chapter 2 : Sterilization
Chapter 3 : Aeration and Agitation
Chapter 4 : Microbial Growth Kinetics