
ISBN: 9788193404669
e-ISBN: 9788193468203
PAGES: 235

SoftCover >  Rs. 495/-

BK Sakhale
NA Giri

FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Objective Type Question Answers

The present book “Food Science and Technology: Objective Type” aims to provide complete and simplified reach out to understanding the basic concepts of Food Science and Technology to the students of Food Technology, Food processing, Food Process Engineering, Post Harvest Engineering & Technology, Dairy Science and Home Science (Foods and Nutrition) etc.

The topics covered under this book are objective notes and multiple choice questions on the various aspects food science and technology which includes Fruits and Vegetable Processing, Cereals, Legumes and Oilseeds Processing, Dairy Science & Technology, Meat, Poultry and Fish Processing Technology, Food Microbiology & Food Biotechnology, Food Packaging, Food analysis, Food Engineering, Food Additives, Spices & flavor Technology, Food Safety and Quality etc.

The efforts have been made to cover almost all important aspects of Food Science and Technology in order to provide the updated information in the form of MCQs and relevant short notes for the academicians, students, researchers etc.

This book is highly beneficial to those students preparing for higher studies or appearing for various competitive examination such as GATE, ICAR- JRF, SRF, NET, ICAR/UGC/CSIR fellowships.


  1. Food Processing Technology
  2. Food Chemistry and Nutrition
  3. Food Microbiology
  4. Food Engineering
  5. Food Safety and Quality