
ISBN: 9788193404614
e-ISBN: 9788193445280
PAGES: 508

HardBound >  Rs. 4995/-

M.K. Rana


Thousands of natural compounds consumed via food may impact health. All food has some function but functional compounds in fruits and vegetables move beyond necessity to provide additional health benefits that promote optimal and vibrant health. This book looks at the nutritional aspect of a vibrant health and deals with the body as a catalyst for a healthy life.


  1. Health Problems in Elderly
  2. Alzheimer’s disease and Diet
  3. Dental Health and Nutrition
  4. Ocular Diseases and Disorders of Humans
  5. Hypertension and its Management
  6. Control Blood Pressure Naturally
  7. Healthy Lifestyle to Prevent and Reverse Coronary Heart Disease
  8. Deep Vein Thrombosis: A Silent Killer
  9. Gastrointestinal and Respiratory Tract Disorders
  10. Gastrointestinal Ulcer and Nutritional Concern
  11. Hemorrhoids
  1. Prostate Hypertrophy and Nutritional Concern
  2. Renal Failure and Its Management
  3. Herbal Remedy for Urinary Stones
  4. Reproductive Disorders and Diseases 16. Leucorrhea and Nutritional Concern
  5. A Deeper Insight to Multiple Sclerosis and Nutrition
  6. Nutritional Management for Cancerous Patients
  7. Management of Chronic Diseases
  8. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD and STI)
  9. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV and AIDS)
  10. Medicinal Significance of Forest Trees