ISBN: 9788193222683
e-ISBN: 9788193445273
PAGES: 378
SoftCover > Rs. 995/-
LGK Naidu
V Ramamurthy
O Challa
M Velayutham
With more than a billion people to feed from the same patch of land, we need to develop new standards for agriculture production, which is only possible with proper land evaluation. Land Evaluation for Sustainable Agriculture addresses the issue and helps agriculturalists make better decisions regarding sustainable land use and crop growth.
The topics discussed in the book covers the syllabus for the course on “Land Use Planning”, a subject where no detailed resources are present to the academia.
Chapter 1 : Land and Soil Features Of India
Chapter 2 : Soil Resource Inventory
Chapter 3 : Agro-Climatic Zonation
Chapter 4 : Land Suitability Criteria for Crops
Chapter 5 : Land Evaluation Approaches
Chapter 6 : Integrated Land Use Planning: Approaches at Macro and Micro Level
Chapter 7 : Food Security and Environmental Security