ISBN: 9788193222645
e-ISBN: 9788193404683
PAGES: 291
Softcover > Rs. 795/-
Suresh Kumar
SK Singh
Essentials of Soil Science has been designed to provide comprehensive information about soil science, dealing with all concepts of soil as a natural body and a medium for plant growth. Focusing on the core materials, it facilitates easy learning for students and rapid revision.
- Concept of Soil as a Natural Body and Medium for Plant Growth
- Soil and its Composition
- Soil Forming Rocks and Minerals
- Soil Formation
- Soil Profile and its Major Horizons
- Physical Properties of Soil
- Soil Colloids and its Properties
- Ion Exchange
- Soil Reaction
- Salt-Affected Soils and Submerged Soils
- Soil Acidity
- Reclamation of Soil
- Soil Biology
- Soil Organic Matter and its Decomposition
- Soils of India
- Soil Taxonomy
- Soil Survey
- Remote Sensing and its Application