ISBN: 9780994869111
e-ISBN: 9780994869166
PAGES: 423
HardBound > USD 159.95/-
QA Panhwar
UA Naher
SOIL FERTILITY MANAGEMENT: A Way to Sustainable Agriculture
Good management of soil ensures that mineral elements do not become deficient or toxic to plants and that appropriate mineral elements enter the food chain. Soil management is important both directly and indirectly to crop productivity, environmental sustainability, and human health. Because of the projected increase in world population and the consequent need for the intensification of food production, the management of soil will become increasingly important in the coming years. To achieve future ford security, the management of soil in a sustainable manner will be the challenge, through proper nutrient management and appropriable soil conservation practices.
The present book entitled “Soil Fertility Management: A Way to Sustainable Agriculture” is an overview of soil fertility degradation and its management. The whole subject matter has been compiled in 18 chapters. With its applications-oriented and interdisciplinary approach, the book will serve as a useful reference to the student, teachers, researchers, scientists, policy makers and other interested in soil science, agronomy, crop science, environmental science and agriculture.
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